Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo 5

We often try to get lecturers from different businesses to visit the school and tell their story to the students. Here you see representatives from Entrenova that inspires the students on how to be an entrepreneur.


  1. An excellent teaching strategy that we also use in Australia. We find that the students are really keen to listen to outside speakers and take a lot of notice about what they say. Do you find this?

  2. I absolutly agree. The attention from the students always goes up when something new is going on.

  3. How often do you have speakers come in to talk to the students? In Australia we also have to work with the speakers to make sure that they talk about what the students are learning. Do you find you have to do this preparation?

  4. It varies how often we have people over. It depends on what we are working with for the moment and also what kind of speakers we can find.
    I do not want to take someone in just to have a speaker. But if I find someone good I invite them ASAP.

    Usually I do not prepare the speakers more than to tell them what we have done so far in the class and what my plan is. I try to be flexible and talk to the students about what the speaker has gone through.

  5. We do the same I think. We give the speakers an overview of the work the students have done and help them to decide on their topic. It is excellent to reinforce what the students have learnt through discussion afterwards. This means that their learning is confirmed. Do you have any other activities that follow on from a visitor to the class?
