Monday, May 14, 2012

Photo 30

In this new building there is a room where the students can work on their design and other aspects of theory. It has computers for the students to use  and it is sealed against the dust from the workshop area. In this way theory and practical are very tied to one another.

Photo 29

Students work on individual projects that they have designed from the beginning. This is the storage area where students keep their equipment and supplies. It is very organised and the stduents are encouraged to keep on the task.

photo 28

Another view of the building and construction workshop area where the students do all their practical work under the supervision of the teacher.

Photo 27

Again you can see that the equipment that the students have to work with and learn from is very modern. This lathe is connected to a computer and students are learning about how technology exists is every trade area and how it can be used.

Photo 26

At the College students can study building and construction and cabinet making. The workshop area is equipped with very modern machinery and students learn how to use these machines for their projects. The workshop makes a number of items that are sold commercially and the business is doing very well. This allows students to learn about running a business and all the work that goes with this enterprise.

Photo 25

A great deal of attention is paid to hygiene in the hospitality business. The students have showers that they can use and in this way the practicalities of hygiene are made very real to the students.

Photo 24