Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo 4

A lot of the assignments are outside of the classroom and here is one example were we are at the Business-expo 2011 at the Swedish Exhibition and Conference Center.
The task for the students was to interview representatives from different companies to get information about the trade. All our students obtain business-cards at the beginning of the year to train them in creating new contacts and work up a network.


  1. What a fantastic learning experience for your students. They learn early on how to network and communicate. Do they have theory lessons to support these activities?

  2. Yes of course! Before we go to the Exhibitions I talk to them about the importance of creating a network and how to start building it. We talk a lot about how to build and sell your own brand. Both business-brands but most important your own name and reputation.
    At one exhibition the students got to work for three hours each in the showcse for out school and learn how to work in these kind of situations.

  3. Dennis Are such events and tasks part of many courses or is it a special course in your programme? I guess I am asking what courses assignments like this are part of. It is impressive because it requries a lot of the young students, I think.

  4. Dennis this is excellent. Like Ingrid I am interested in these special programs and how you go about assessing the work of the students. In Australia we often ask our students to prepare a portfolio of their work at events like these. Do you do this?

  5. When the students worked in the showcase, representing the school, it was in the course "Service-knowledge" wish is mandatory in the business programme.
    In that course the students are supposed to gain knowledge of how to work with service selling different kind of products and services. So as one task they get to practise their sales-skills in the showcase.
    I go through how to do it before and in the beginning I stand there with them. But after a while I say that I´m going to take a little break and then I stand and observe how they do it when they are on their own.
    The students themselves said that they were nervous but that they learned a lot from it. And that they thought that it was fun when the nervousity faded.

    On the picture they are on an exhibition as visitors and at the time we had an assignment where the students, in theory, got to start their own store. And on this exhibition were the latest technology and materials that you can use if you own a store.
    So here the students got the assignment to walk around the exhibition and find three things they would like to have in their own store.
    So doing the assignment they as a bonus got skille in networking.

  6. Dennis I can see how they would learn a lot from this experience. It is ncie how you support them to begin with and gradually leave them to do this on their own. A very good strategy to get them to recover from their nervousness. In our schools and colleges we do similar things and our teachers gradually leave the students to be independent but they are always available of the students need them. It is a really good task that you have given them and it must encourage them to be good aat chossing items for their stores.
