Saturday, April 14, 2012

Photo 5

Here you can see the busy students and the result of their work. When they are done in the kitchen they evaluate their work and then hopefully enjoy eating the food. Like in all kitchens they have to close-up todays work with doing the dishes.


  1. Hello Malin!
    Have the students also the opportunity to serve food to guests?

    1. Yes, the school has a lunch restaurant where the students work in the kitchen. The restaurant is also open for a la carte guests, i think, two our three evenings a week. Then the bartender and waiter students also work there.

    2. Hi Malin,
      How do you manage to coordinate the students with the food preparation and working the restaurant? Are they rostered on for the evenings each week? Do they need to record the hours they are working?

  2. The students certainly look very capable. How old are these students?
    In Australia our big colleges and schools have commercial kitchens like yours. It is a great opportunity to do all of the work that would be done in a restaurant with a supervisor present. A number of our Colleges and schools have reataurants that are open to the public. Do you have these in Sweden too?

    1. In this school they have one restaurant that is open to the public. During day time they serve lunch and two our three evenings a week they are open for a la carte guests. The students in the photo are adult students in upper secondery level and people on contract teaching, mostly communal employees that already works in a school kitchen, take these courses four inspiration to take bak too work.

  3. What are the different types of dishes cooked by students? It looks like a tasty buffet.

    1. This buffe is the resault of what students on contract teaching do. Its mostly raw-food and things like quinoa and cous-cous. Sometimes they cook different types of fish dishes our meat in various ways. These classes are reffering to give the student inspiration.

  4. This is an excellent way for people to get inspiration about their cooking. Are your classes a mixture of school students and adults who are already working? We have classes in our Adult and Community Colleges where people can go to improve their cooking skills. These are always very popular.
    Can you explain to me what 'contract teaching' means in Sweden. I am not sure that we have this term in Australia

    1. People who are employeed by "Göteborgs stad", our Community name, can take these courses. Studium, the school where i did my practicum organise courses for them in for exampel raw-food dishes. "Göteborgs stad" pay the school to inspier their employees. Usually its people who work in a school kitchen.
      I hope the explanation was ok. "Contract teaching" is the direct translation for our word "Uppdragsutbildning"

  5. Dear Malin, thanks for this explanation. It si interesting about the employees in the school kitchens and the classes they take. In Australia we dont provide school lunches like you do in Sweden. We have canteens where students can buy food or they can bring it from home. All our canteens try and provide very healthy food and not too much "JUNK". Sometimes the stduent object. Do your students generally enjoy their school lunches?

  6. When im not in school, at Pedagogen, i work as a cook in a school kittchen. Kids between six and eleven years go to this school. We have about 500 students to cook for every day. Mostly the kids like the food we serve. We acctually got "todays rose" from a happy mother one day. Most kids look forward to lunch time and they always say -thanks for good food, when they leave. Thats what makes the job fun. Happy students.
