Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo 3

Here one of our students are working with some tasks about marketing. All students get a laptop when they start in the school which we use in all the teaching to minimize the paper-consuming and make the students comfortable with using modern technology.


  1. Most of our school students have lap tops now and use them all the time. In our Technical and Further Education Vocational Colleges there are lots of computers available but students dont have to have a lap top but most of them do. Do you find your students are using social media tools like facebook to learn now? Ours are.

  2. That is one of the things that we are trying to teach them. Sometimes the social media draws their attention away from the studies but we are teaching them how to use Facebook and other sites in a business-way. They are still on their first year but I cn see that they are using it more and more even for work.

  3. Dennis this is very interesting. We are definitely beginning to use social media like Facebook to set up sites for students so that they can explore using the medium in productive ways. We also find that they get very involved with their Faecbook technology and sometimes this can be a problem.Some employers use facebook to let the students know when they are needed in the workplace. Can you see any disadvantages of using this type of media?

  4. Well, the disadvantage is of course that if you do not know how to use the privacy settings it is a bit public, and in the bigining the students don´t realize just how public it is.
    And as I said before it takes a while before the start using it in a productive way instead of just doing private stuff.

    But as long as you teach them how to come over these obstacles I think they benifit a lot from using it. I do not believe in blocking the use of Facebook as som schools do.
    Freedom under responsibility is the best way.

  5. Dennis we have exactly the same issues here with our students,The technology can be such a useful tool but it is also their entertainment.Teaching them the difference is sometimes quite hard for our teachers. The other thing that is difficult is that they do not realise how PUBLIC this technology can be. Some employers here when they want to employ a new person search facebook and other social media to see the profile of the person before they employ them.Our stduents do not realise this and sometimes put up very rude items of news on their pages.
    In schools we ask students to not use their mobile phones and other things while hey are in class. Does this work for you in Sweden?
