Friday, April 13, 2012

bild 7

                                           This different models in marzipan show how creative
                                           the students are.
                                           All marzipan and chocolate you can eat, so its very
                                           important to have high hygiene.
                                           But most of the people just want to look at them because
                                           they think it´s a shame to eat up so goodlooking things.


  1. Hello Kerstin!
    The marzipan figures looks lovely. Is this some kind of "final task" for the students.

  2. Yes, kind of, this figures did they in the end of course.

  3. It`s nice to see that students are this creative. Do you work even with caramel works, such as for example to make candy roses? Can students learn to blow candy?

  4. We have to be two teachers when we work with caramel so we can give the students a good lesson. So our plan is to make time for it in a nearly future. Yes we learn them candy roses, cotton candy, candy canes. Blow candy take to much time so that they perhaps can learn at Advanced Vocational Education at Burgården in Gothenburg.

  5. Kerstin this is very interesting . It is the same in Australia. Most students learn the basic techniques and then go on to specialise if they find this is where they woudl like to work. In Australia we are very concerned about hygiene too. Students are taught about hygiene at the beginning of their course. Is this the same in Sweden? How do teach them about hygiene?

  6. Yes we have a separate course about hygiene. They learn about personal hygiene. How tho clean tools. How to store the different ingredients and the finisched products right. Temperature control in refridgerators and freezers. Once a year the environment agency controls that everythings is okay
