Friday, April 13, 2012

Bild 6

                                           Here you can see a combination of chocolate and
                                           and marzipan. In the background you can see small
                                           eggs made of white- and milkchocolate. Also some flowers
                                           in marzipan.


  1. All the stuff that students make, do they have a place to sell them as well? Or do they make them just for fun?

  2. Yes, they sell them in the shop we have next to our bakery.
    Some of the students buy it to themselves.
    We have the shop open so often we can. At the homesite Almåsgymnasiet you can find a link to the bakery where you can see when the shop is open.

  3. Fantastic creations, i wonder if the students have stereotypes as they go after, or create free?

  4. They both have pictures with descriptions, only picture or create free.

  5. This looks so beautiful Kerstin. They must get come ideas from the pictures and descriptions. Our students also do this and their teachers encourage them to experiment with new ideas. What sort of guidance do you give your students when they begin their creations? Do you give them advice and teaching as they are doing the creating?

  6. They start with basic forms for example egg-, pear-, apple, bean-forms. In marsipan they start with different kinds of fruit. Grape, bananas, apple, pear, orange, lemon, cheeries, plums.
    All in neutral marsipan and then they paint it in food colors with an airbrush. I give them guidance first with the basic forms and when they manage this they can do almost anything. Their imagination is the only limit. I guide through the hole process and give them advice along the way.
