Friday, April 13, 2012

Bild 5

                                                     The Owl lookes very curious.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So sweet, it looks so difficult to do marzipan figures.

    2. It´s easier than it looks like. You Start with basic forms, for example. egg, bean, pear, apple. When you master this forms you can do what ever you want. It´s only to use your imagination.

  2. The owl does look very curious and almost too good to eat. How do you encourage your students to use their imagination? I would never know where to start. Some of our students are very creative and there are also courses available at our Vocational Colleges and Community Colleges that teach these skills. My niece did a course in Canberra our national capital.Our students also enter in competitions with their work. Do your students do this?

  3. I give them a compendium one for marsipan and one for chocolate about two weeks before we start the course. I also tell them to pick inspiration from internet, books, interests they have. And of course talk to their classmates to give each other inspiration. They are often very nice to each other and give feedback.
    I guide them when they have ideas so they can manage to do their creations.
    My adult students does not compete, but the students in third year competed in Guthenburg in different kind of bakery and confectionary.
    Im curious about your niece course in Canberra. What kind of course was it?
