Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photo 3

Here you can see what one of the classrooms looks like. It´s built like a stage which makes it easy for the student at the very back of the hall to see what the teacher does. This is where they usually have a run-through before their practical training.   


  1. Hello Malin!
    In this classroom what kind of things does the teacher usually shows, learn the students.
    Is it practical or theoretical things?

    1. both i think! they have theoretical tests and practical demonstrations.

  2. This is a very clever design for a classroom. Do you use it for a lot of demonstrations? Do the stduents ask questions while you are demonstrating?

    1. Yes its a clever design. The students in contract teaching classes asks questions during demonstration, they like discussions, and that`s ok because they can learn from each other.

  3. Yes discussion and questions give you a good opportunity to learn. I always find that if the students are asking questions it means that they are really thinking about the topic you are teaching. Do you give your students topics to discuss? We often use this method for teaching particulalr in the area of cooking and inspiration.
